Sunday, July 31, 2016

Photos of Coffee Tour and Mayan Ruins

 Jim Hack on the bus from the airport Sunday.

 Common to carry a 150-pound bag.  An additional guy helps you get it on your back.  The worker wears a sizable sheet-like towel on his head to keep the dust from going down his shirt.

 Inside the coffee warehouse.

 Picking out the bad beans.  8 hour shift with 2 breaks plus lunch.  $4.25 per day.  20 women on each side of the conveyor belt which moves rapidly, the stops for about 30 seconds.  Repeat.

Coffee beans in canvas bags in the warehouse.

 The finished product ready to be shipped, mostly to England, France, and Italy.  Often shipped as whole, roasted beans.  Francis acting like a tour guide.

The coffee tasting.  A great deal of work goes into every innocent-looking cup of coffee.  It is a challenge to grow, process, ferment, dry, clean, and roast.

The Mayan ruins near Ahuachapan.

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