Updates have also been made to the previous blog post highlighting Dean Olson's powerpoint presentation. Many more names and places have been added to this presentation so feel free to check it out here and share it with others.
Those who have traveled to El Salvador on one or more of the service trips gathered at the Fisher house in Pesotum to share stories and discern where God might be calling us next.
Many amazing stories were shared at that meeting and it became very clear that God is doing amazing things through those at Good Shepherd. Many were excited to have a response team from our church ready in case of national disasters, and others were so impacted by the staff in El Salvador that they would be willing to go back.
So whether it is nationally or internationally, globally or locally, those serving at Good Shepherd are ready to share the abundant gifts God has given us with those in need.
"For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything."
Hebrews 3:4
Hebrews 3:4
The impact of a daily wage ($8 a day) for the workers hired to help build this church over the last year is life changing in an area with few jobs.
The impact Cristo Rey will have in the area as a community center for those needing healing and hope will be life changing.
The impact Cristo Rey members and Habitat staff have had on those from Good Shepherd continues to be life changing because we share our stories with those that the Holy Spirit might be nudging to serve.
The first disciples couldn't stop talking about the work Jesus had done in their midst. They went to people outside their community and even their country to share the love God had shown them.
We too have stories to share with each other and with our community. We have seen Jesus at work in family, friends, and neighbors. But most importantly, we have witnessed God active in the lives of those we would least expected.
"Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness."
The same boldness that filled the disciples fills us and moves in us as well. As God spoke all life into existence, may we too be bold in bringing life to our community and the world through Jesus Christ. Amen.